A letter to Marcus Aurelius

Dear Marcus,
Out of all the philosophers I hold close to my heart, your words have always echoed as a voice of reason during difficult times. Stoicism as a whole has transformed my being, and it has transformed the lives of many successful leaders today. In fact, Stoicism has acted as the world’s first “self-help” guide on how to live a meaningful life (for those who want to help themselves). I know for me personally, that has been my experience with your words and the philosophy of Stoicism.
You have been a mentor, guide, and an inspiration to me.
I look to you when I feel that I have strayed from “nature”.
I look to you for leadership advice.
I look to you when I need to feel grateful for my existence, on the days where it’s easy to take the smallest things for granted, like being healthy.
You have shown me all of the great qualities that a leader can have: thoughtfulness, emotional intelligence, logical based decision making, and a deep understanding of self, which leads to a deep understanding of others around you.
You have helped me challenge myself to think critically and use logic as a voice of reason, while still respecting that my emotions are still valid.
You have shown me how to practice mindfulness in my day to day being, as well as guided me with having the patience in dealing with others.
To think that during your life, humanity as a whole has not really changed. We still deal with the “ busy-body, the ungrateful, arrogant, deceitful, envious, unsocial” human beings on a day to day basis. Yet, like your wrote in Meditations, if we can go in expecting humanity to be like this — we have the choice to not let other people’s behaviors affect us.
You wrote:
You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. — Marcus Aurelius
Being able to have that ownership over my own mind and consciousness has been extremely key to my own personal successes.
There are times where I let outside events and situations get to me, but I am reminded of your gentle push to be more conscious. It makes getting through the day just that much more easier. Your Meditations and words of wisdom apply so much in the society we live in today.
When things don’t go my way, you remind me that being alive is a privilege.
When communication mishaps happen, you remind me that everything is just a matter of perspective, and not cold hard truth.
You are pretty much the reason that I live everyday like my last, because we aren’t guaranteed tomorrow — so I choose to live my days by being kind to everyone I encounter, and by showing those I love how much I love them.
There is seldom a day where I take someone for granted, because I know my life or theirs can be taken from me from any moment.
As an aspiring leader, there is one thing that I have always practiced that I learned from you: how to have an open mind when dealing with different viewpoints.
This statement says it all perfectly:
“If anyone can refute me‚ show me I’m making a mistake or looking at things from the wrong perspective‚ I’ll gladly change. It’s the truth I’m after.” — Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 6.21
As a leader, it is important to have passion — but it is important to rule with a calm and collected mind.
“The nearer a man comes to a calm mind, the closer he is to strength.”
I once was an angry, frustrated, and irritable child because I couldn’t master my emotions when I was younger. I didn’t have the tools to help me, but through philosophy, reading books, writing, and having a supportive family, I was able to work through my emotions to be able to distinguish what should upset my spirit or what I can let go.
To be fair, I still practice with learning to not let things affect me that much, but because of you, I have that gentle reminder that we’re all human, and I should not be vexed by others if I am in control of myself.
Your writing was a guide through some of my life’s most difficult experiences for me. I never went to see a therapist —your words helped me through it.
You reminded me that nothing is impossible to accomplish, it just takes overcoming your mind to believe that it is possible.
As I take my steps into leadership, I am reminded of the following daily:
“Concentrate on what you have to do. Fix your eyes on it. Remind yourself that your task is to be a good human being; remind yourself what nature demands of people. Then do it, without hesitation, and speak the truth as you see it. But with kindness. With humility. Without hypocrisy.“ — Marcus Aurelius
I am grateful a man like you existed, because there is hope that others can still learn from you too.
With gratitude and sincerity,
C.J. Sanders