Light through Death

This is a poem that was channeled through me when my cat Zoey died 3 years ago and the words just spilled upon the paper effortlessly. If anyone has experienced death or dark times in their life where it feels like it’s not going to get any better: this one’s for you:
Step out of the darkness
Walk with me in the light
The sorrow in your heart illuminates your path
And the hollow empty shell you are walking in will again become wholeDo you see the light at the end of the tunnel?
Because I see the stars that illuminate the dark sky
I see that hope still shines in the darkness
And I know your heart will healYou are not numb, just feeling cold
But the cold wind is a reminder too that you still FEELDo you see the storms that pass
And how the thunder shakes your spirit
And how when the rain slowly lets go
The rainbow of hope comes back to remind you of your true strengthYou survived the storms
And while you may be in the midst of a storm now
You feel the cold breeze embrace you
And while tears may fall
Its a sign that your humanity has not failed youYou are living the way you need to right now
Believe in the light again
It shines from your sadnessThe tears that fall light up your eyes as if you are being renewed and cleansed
From great sorrow will emerge your true strength
From your vulnerability — your courage
From your courage — your determinationAnd while you are walking in the shadows
It is only because the light is shining at your back
Turn around and you will see the truth:
“Everything I ever needed is hidden deep inside me.”
-Cecilia J. Sanders © 2016