We fight the same demon — a poem of addiction
We fight the same demons
But they go by different names
They are just another part of us
Trapped inside our brains
The addiction makes it hard
To actually see what’s real
The sorrow sinks inside your veins
As the void is all you feel
We fight the same demons
They just show as different forms
Just like all of us are different
But we all weather the same storms
The drugs of choice are different
But our feelings are the same
The guilt, the void, the sadness
The highs, the lows, the shame
We fight the same demon
And I just want to change
For when the demons take control
My soul feels so deranged
Who is this abomination
Where is my self-control?
We’re all just trying to fill the void
For that chance to feel whole
I am not this demon
The one I fight inside
I am still a human
And no longer will I hide
We may fight these demons daily
But hope is never gone
Sometimes our days are darker
Before the age of a new dawn
We fight the same demon
They go by different names
No matter how different our vices
Deep down, the void is the same.
-Cecilia J. Sanders